Free Printable: "He First Loved Us" Art

Today all around us, people are focusing on love. And I can't talk about love without acknowledging who created it in the first place. I only know how to even remotely love others because of the love that has been shown to me, when I didn't earn or deserve it. Thank God that He "shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). May we love others like He has loved us - wholly, sacrificially, selflessly, and without condition. 

Enjoy this free printable as a simple reminder of these truths, my gift to you on this Valentine's Day. It comes in three colors, and you can download and print as many as you'd like. 

  • Print is sized to 8x10, so make sure to print on letter-sized white card stock (check Target, Walmart, & Amazon for good prices).

  • Set your printer settings at highest quality and resolution for best results.

  • Ideas for displaying your print: Frame it in a pretty matted frame, hang it on your fridge with a magnet, or hang it on your bulletin board with a tack or pretty washi tape. Enjoy!